Sunday, September 30, 2007


Hi, my name is Roger Dery and my wife Ginger and daughter Rachel own Spectral Gems, Inc. of Royal Oak, Michigan USA.

I am a precision faceter working on a wide range of gem species. That isn't how I started in the gem trade, but it is an interesting story for another time..... For now though, I'd like to give you an idea of my faceting style - which is often referred to as 'classic' gem cutting.

Shown below is one of my favorite gem species to work on.... Scapolite. While this one is golden, they also occur in a lively purple color.

Since 1981, we operated as a loose-gemstone supply firm holding an inventory of calibrated loose stones and pearls. And, due to the width and depth of our inventory, it precipitated us having to provide a catalog with pricing, information, and of course - several employees.

However, in 2001, sensing the winds of change in our industry, we chose to sell off all of the smaller goods and pearls to a single firm located in Midland, Michigan. They were accustomed to processing client projects and performing service work for the jewelry industry - and so it was a good fit. From this time forward, we focused our efforts on custom-cut, precision faceted gemstones like the Tanzanite shown below.

The majority of the gemstones we sell today are faceted by me or my daughter. This ensures a client is receiving a well-made gem, from natural gem materials that came out of the ground, that may be suitable as part of a family’s heirloom.

Here's one that Rachel faceted.... a Bolivian Amethyst with a final weight of 15.04 carats - which is the largest she has worked on to date. She was 13 at the time.

Shown below is a partial list of the types of gem materials often found in my bag. Some you will recognize instantly, while others are considered more rare or obscure.

-Ruby and all the colors of Sapphire
-Zircon, most all colors and especially my favorite - the blues
-Scapolite - both purple and golden
-Spinel in a range of colors
-the Beryl family including Aquamarine, Morganite, Golden and Emerald
-Precious Topaz, full range of Tourmalines including bi-colored
-Peridot, Tanzanite, Kunzite and Apatite
-the Feldspar group including Orthoclase, Sunstone and Bytownite
-most all the Garnets species including:
Spessartite, Malaya, Rhodolite, Grossular, Demantoid, Tsavorite, Hessonite
and some of the location-specific colors such as:
Umbalite, Tanga, Maralambo, Merelani, Mali and others

There are many other more unusual or rare species that I've worked on, but the list above makes up the majority. The 'Asscher' style emerald cut shown below is one of my favorite designs.

My design style is referred to as elegant and graceful. My specialty is re-designing the classics; as a revival of the timeless designs from the past centuries and making them ‘come-alive’. I hope this gives you an idea of my work. Please feel comfortable in contacting us through the information provided in the footer.

Warm regards,

Roger, Ginger and Rachel Dery
Royal Oak, Michigan USA
248-545-3546 -- shop