Saturday, January 24, 2009

2009-Jan 12th Umba River mining camp

After a few hours in the pits on the day before, we are better prepared for the following days. As we now know what we are up against as far as working time, energy expended, and expected outcome (which seemed dismal at times). The missing piece though, is how tiring the work is. It is hot (roughly 30*C to 35*C) and humid and we have expended ourselves. The miners though, have been doing this for years and so seems less effort coming from them.

As a group, the mine owner made the team an offer. We would have an opportunity to purchase a dump truck sized load of gem gravels – which would be moved through his huge ‘washing machine’. Seen here:

Only the heavy minerals would survive – those with the higher specific gravity. The price seemed steep, but considering the conditions, this seemed like a reasonable opportunity. Even though there was no guarantee that the batch from the machine would produce anything useable or not, it was a risk. So Tom, Lisa and I opted to purchase the first run and split the outcome. We began working the wash in the afternoon session. It was laborious work, the sun was hot, and we were hopeful.

Above is Lisa Elser from Vancouver leaning over the sorting table.

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